Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back-of-the-napkin amateur medical detectivery- Part II

1.  Is detectivery even a word?
answer:  Yes.  It is the act of being detectiverous.

My investigative approach this time involved the novel methodology of "asking my doctor, who is trained in such things, what she thinks."  While my WBC continue to wildly see-saw all over the place (last week, 5.1; this week, 3.2), my red blood counts continue to go down slightly.  I posed this scholarly question to my doctor last week, "What's the deal with my red blood cells?"  She told me that the kidneys produce a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells.  Since my kidney function has been declining over time due to cyclosporine toxicity and my apparent inability to drink enough water (3.5L/day not being "enough"), my RBC production has gone down (as well as hemoglobin production).

Well.  I took this information and summarily cast it aside.

So this week, when RBC counts still sucked, I freaked out in the customary manner.  A little Googling lead me to some sort of kidney website which again detailed the relationship between anemia and kidney function.  Due to production of a hormone called EPO on behalf of the kidneys. 
Oh.  Right.

So it seems that my doctor, the so-called "Head of the UCDMC Bone Marrow Transplant Program," might just know what she is talking about...that is, IF! her information checks out with my Excel spreadsheet when I graph RBC v. creatinine levels and determine that there is indeed an inverse relationship (creatinine levels increase as kidney function decreases, I can't remember if I have mentioned that).  Until then, the saga continues.  Well, for me, anyway.  Everyone else seems pretty ready to put the whole thing to bed.  But I leave you with this:  I am now scheduled for a urinanalysis and ultrasound to check out whatever needs to be checked out about the kidneys.  So the case is not exactly closed because there could still be some other nefarious thing!!  Even if my "doctor" says these measures are "routine."  Hmph.

Meanwhile, most other things are going well here.  Hope they are where you are too!

1 comment:

Tia said...

You are hilarious. And you need to stay off the interweb for at least a day or so :) Have a good week!

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